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Leading them              onto the field...  


Hannah Oliverio

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by Lynn Vance

LHS Band Publicist


     When the Lincoln High School Cougars Marching Band takes to the field for the 2020-21 season, it will be senior Hannah Oliverio leading the 120 members to the beat of the drum. She said it is something she has looked forward to for a very long time.

     Oliverio, who followed in the footsteps of her sister, Miranda, and brother, Nathan, in the band, said it was only natural that she too take to the field as part of the LHS Marching Cougars.

    “Seeing my sister play saxophone, and my brother play trombone, it just made sense that I would join the band,” said Oliverio. “My goal this year is to lead the band to the best of my ability and be the best commander I can be.”

     Oliverio started out playing the flute in the fifth grade, but once she entered high school, she decided to play the piccolo under the direction of Fred and Julie Channell. She said auditioning for field commander was a no-brainer for her senior year.

     “Every year when I would go to watch my sister march, I would be so interested to watch the field commander,” she said. “It’s always been an interest of mine to one day try out to be the field commander.”

     LHS was supposed to take the field Sept. 4, but an unexpected case of COVID -19 with a member of the school’s football team, resulted in a setback for the band. Oliverio, who is the daughter of Dale and Heidi Oliverio of Lumberport, says she is not letting the turn of events in 2020 bring her down.

     “Even though this year isn’t how we want it, we are at least allowed to perform and be around each other,” she said. “I am so grateful to have this opportunity to be this year’s field commander. I hope and pray that this year turns out the way we hope.”

     Oliverio said despite this year’s delay of events, she is looking forward to the Friday Night lights with her close friends and seeing the joy on everyone’s face as they finally get to perform.

     There are several reasons Oliverio said she has stayed in band her entire high school career while others have dropped out.

     “For starters, I’ve grown up listening and playing music,” she said. “I truly enjoy band more than I could explain. Another part of band that’s kept me in is the relationships that I’ve made with my peers and the Channells’. Everyone becomes this family that you can go to just be yourself.”

     Oliverio said when all else fails to keep your head up. It is especially important this year during a national pandemic and it being her senior year.

     “I just want to thank the seniors for being a part of my life and helping shape me into who I am,” said Oliverio. “To all of my friends that I have made along the way, you will always be a part of my life. I thank you all for all you have done for me.

     “To Mr. and Mrs. Channell, thank you for inspiring me to go into music in college. You are two of the kindest people on the planet. I know that if I ever need either one of them they will be there for me.”

     The LHS Marching Band is scheduled to take the field on Friday, Sept. 18 at 7 p.m.

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LHS Marching
Band Senior


Ruth Rucker

Instruments played: Drumline/Percussion


Number of years in band: 6


Why did you join band? "I wanted to play music and learn more about instruments and what I could so with them. When Mr. And Mrs. Channel came to my class in 5th grade they just really showed me it was something I wanted to be a part of."


Other musical involvement/accomplishments: "I don't have any I've always been too afraid to try out for anything."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Georgia on My Mind and Bang Bang."


What is your favorite band memory? "My favorite band memory is of freshman year after school drumline practices. They were probably my favorite thing and I loved putting in so much work and dedication to something I cared so much about. One time at an after school practice we stopped to eat and me and Kaleb Johnson poured Mountain Dew into Anthony's mouth (through a cup with a hole like a funnel) but he ended up like regurgitating it all over the band room floor."


What will you miss about high school band? "The people. The people in band are so different and unique I think its given me a lot to how I'll see and deal with people out of high school. I'll also miss the work, I love to work and band was like a job to me especially with drumline."


What are your plans after high school? "I'm going to Glenville State College in the fall and getting my undergraduate degree then I plan on applying out of state to get my graduate degree in astrophysics."​


Will you play in the band in college? "I want to audition for college band...I don't think I'll get in, but I'm going to be practicing a lot."​


Advice to new band students?  "Be yourself and people who like you will find you. This is a difficult time in most of your lives and you need to prioritize your mental health and focus on making yourself happy. Put in that work and it won't go unnoticed. Band kids are on a pretty low ring in the school but the work you put in matters to more people than you know and its inspiring to future generations of band kids." 



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Emily Duffy

Instruments played: Alto Saxophone & Danceline


Number of years in band: 9


Why did you join band? "In elementary school, I watched my older sister perform as a danceline member. I have been helping out the band ever since I was eight years old. I helped the danceline collect their props during the halftime field show, and ever since I have wanted to be a part of it. Watching her perform during halftime and watching her create life long friendships made me want to join band. It truly is one big family."​


Other musical involvement/accomplishments: "Four-year danceline member


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Mic Drop."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Mic Drop, Thanks for the Memories, Sucker."


What is your favorite band memory? "I can't choose one memory as my favorite. Dancing in the hallways with my friends during band camp, acting silly on the bus on the way to band spectaculars, performing and trying to keep warm on the sidelines are all of my favorite memories."


What will you miss about high school band? "I will miss performing and wearing my pretty uniform. I will miss the feeling of knowing it's game day. There is nothing like it."


What are your plans after high school? "I plan to attend Fairmont State University to obtain a degree in education. I hope to further my career by attending grad school."​


Will you play in the band in college? "Unfortunately no. As of right now I plant to just focus on my degree."​


Advice to new band students?  "My advice to new band students it to not take this for granted. Cherish each and every moment because in a blink of an eye the time is almost over. Make new friends, be silly, have fun, get out of your comfort zone, and make the most out of it. I would do anything to have another year of band." 



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Hayley Brown

Instruments played: Danceline/Clarinet


Number of years in band: 8 years. I started band in elementary school.


Why did you join band? "I thought it would be fun and then I got interested in dance because of it."​


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Confident."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "My favorite was Mic Drop, which was played my sophomore year and Bang Bang from my junior year."


What is your favorite band memory? "Before Covid, whenever we had camp inside the school, I would always drive my friends around during our breaks and we screamed songs in my car till we had to go back to practice. We were always together all the time. Also at band camp, we used to always have sleepovers in our rooms and we all would stay together and it was like a big sleepover with friends all week."


What will you miss about high school band? "I’ll miss being around everyone and all the friends I made because of danceline and band. I’ll miss our coach, Kim Nuzum, who we all love very much, and I’ll miss Mr. and Mrs. Channell. None of this would be possible without them."


What are your plans after high school? " I plan on going to collage at Fairmont and I think I’m going into psychology."​


Will you play in the band in college? "I don’t think I’m going to play in collage."​


Advice to new band students?  "I would tell them to enjoy every second of it and have the most fun you can because it’s gone in the blink of an eye. Make as many memories as you can. You will always remember them." 




Ian McIntyre

Instruments played: Trombone


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I joined band not only because of my love for music, but I also wanted to be a part of something bigger than myself and to make lifelong friends along the way."​


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band; Shinnston Community Band (student representative); WVMEA All-State Band (2020: 4th Chair, 2021: 2nd Chair); WVMEA All-State Orchestra (2019: 2nd Chair); Harrison County All-County Band (2018-2020: 1st Chair); Marshall University Honor Band (2018); West Virginia University Honor Band (2019: Blue Band, 2020: Mountaineer Band); Marshall University Jazz Festival Best Solo Award (2020); the Instrumentalist Magazine Musicianship Award (2019); Jazz Band Top Scholar (2019, 2020); The Prudential Spirit of Community Awards President's Volunteer Service Award (2021: Shinnston Community Band)


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Georgia On My Mind."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Georgia On My Mind, Birdland, Holiday, House of the Rising Sun, Thanks for The Memories."


What is your favorite band memory? "My freshman year when the band took a trip to New York City."


What will you miss about high school band? "I will miss a lot about high school band, but I will miss my friends, Mr. and Mrs. Channell, the music, the comradery, and the memories the most."


What are your plans after high school? "After high school, I plan to attend West Virginia University and major in Music and Health."​


Will you play in the band in college? "Yes. Every band possible."​


Advice to new band students?  "New band students should learn to build relationships, make memories, and treat each other as one big family from day one. Mr. and Mrs. Channell will always treat you as one of their own and they will do everything in their power to help you out. Band is one of the experiences in life that you cannot afford to pass up because of the friendships and memories you will make along the way, and everyone should embrace this experience to the fullest as I have." 



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Avery Riley

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Instruments played: Saxophone and Danceline


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I enjoy music and it seemed like a fun experience."​


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band in middle school


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Mic Drop."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Mic Drop, Bang Bang and Phoenix."


What is your favorite band memory? "Going to New York my freshman year."


What will you miss about high school band? "The bonds with people."


What are your plans after high school? "After high school, I plan to attend West Virginia University and major in nursing."​


Will you play in the band in college? "No."​


Advice to new band students?  "Enjoy it while it lasts. It goes by fast." 



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Clint Parker

Instruments played: Clarinet


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "To become part of something that is more than just a group. It is a family."​


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Shinnston Community Band


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "LHS Fight Song."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Birdland and Believer."


What is your favorite band memory? "Senior night for football season."


What will you miss about high school band? "The love I feel from Mr. and Mrs. Channell and my band family."


What are your plans after high school? "To attend Fairmont State University to major in Biology. then obtain a degree in ministry."​


Will you play in the band in college? "No."​


Advice to new band students?  "Don't be afraid to talk to Mr. and Mrs. Channell. They will always be there for you and will show you live no matter what. Also, enjoy every moment of your time in band because one day you will wake up and it's your senior year." 



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Abbie Ash

Instruments played: Trumpet


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I joined band in fifth grade because my brother did it."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: All-County, Jazz Band, Shinnston Community Band


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Show Me How You Burlesque."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Birdland, Big Noise from Winnetka."


What is your favorite band memory? "My favorite band memory is from freshman year during Big Noise we were running around the field going crazy and Julian ran into Aubrey."


What will you miss about high school band? "I will miss practicing field shows with the band and laughing together when we mess up."


What are your plans after high school? "I plan to go to WVU and be in the dental hygiene program."​


Will you play in the band in college? "If they let me in, then yes."​


Advice to new band students?  "Don't be afraid to make friends outside your friend group. Go talk to those people you barely know and really get to know them." 



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Austin Elder

Instruments played: Trombone


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I wanted the experience."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: All-County, Jazz Band


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Birdland."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Phoenix and Believer."


What is your favorite band memory? "Hiding grape juice for weeks in the filing cabinet."


What will you miss about high school band? "Vibing with the boys."


What are your plans after high school? "I plan to graduate with a chemical engineering degree and bring home the bread."​


Will you play in the band in college? "No."​


Advice to new band students?  "Don't be afraid to have fun and make memories." 



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Matthew Holbert

Instruments played: Bass Drum, Tenors, Timpani


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I have always enjoyed playing drums and I wanted to get better."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "The Phoenix."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Believer, Bang Bang, House of the Rising Sun, Big Noise, Birdland."


What is your favorite band memory? "Going to PASIC my sophomore year."


What will you miss about high school band? "Being with my friends and drumline and band camp."


What are your plans after high school? "Attend WVU for mechanical engineering."​


Will you play in the band in college? "If I have time."​


Advice to new band students?  "Don't take what you have for granted. Getting band camp at FSU stripped away my senior year took so much away from the limelight of senior year. Before I didn't think much of camp, but now it's gone. I sorely miss it." 



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Ethan Shaver

Instruments played: Quads


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I love playing music."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Thanks for the Memories."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Mic Drop, Thanks for the Memories, Believer."


What is your favorite band memory? "Stealing all the toilet paper and paper towels at band camp."


What will you miss about high school band? "Midnight shenanigans with the boys after the games."


What are your plans after high school? "Graduate with a degree in psychology and make bank."​


Will you play in the band in college? "Not sure."​


Advice to new band students?  "Cherish every moment." 




Sandi Dennison

Instruments played: Bass Drum 3, 2, and 1


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I joined band because I was always drawn to music. It was something that always made me happy and it has always been a big part of my life.."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band, Select Choir, and Musicals


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "I would love to play Big Noise again! It was such a fun and high energy song."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  " Big Noise, Mic Drop, Bang Bang, and I Want You Back."


What is your favorite band memory? "My favorite band memory is competing at PASIC,  100%. It was an once in a lifetime opportunity and it’s something I would not trade for the world."


What will you miss about high school band? "I will miss the bond I had with everyone. If I was ever having a bad day, it would always change during band. I always had so much fun no matter how stressful things could get."


What are your plans after high school? "After high school, I plan to attend WVU starting in the fall where I will major in Psychology and go on to earn my doctorate in it."​


Will you play in the band in college? "I don’t know yet. Maybe!"​


Advice to new band students?  "These four years may seem like they’ll never end, but they do. Don’t take advantage of what’s happening in the present, because you’ll never know when it’ll change. To be able to make, play, and preform music is a blessing that not many have. Also, don’t be afraid to get out of your comfort zone. You’ll find out that those will be your favorite and most cherished memories." 



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Cheyenne Smith

Instruments played: Baritone


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "Because I wanted to feel included doing something in school and the Channell's made it feel like a family."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: None


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "I would probably want to play Holiday again."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "Phoenix, Holiday, Bang Bang."


What is your favorite band memory? "When Mr. Channell picks on us and everyone gets a laugh out of it. And being in Guard."


What will you miss about high school band? "Mr. & Mrs. Channell always making us feel like family and always taking care of each and every one of us."


What are your plans after high school? "Figure out what I want to do and find a job in the meantime."​


Will you play in the band in college? "No."​


Advice to new band students?  "Work hard and follow your dreams. Have fun, create memories and most of all make Mr. Channell laugh or even laugh with him." 



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Wayne Baker

Instruments played: Tuba and Bass Trombone


Number of years in band: 4


Why did you join band? "I joined band because a lot of my friends were in it and I was already in the musicals so I figured, why not add in more music."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: Jazz Band, All County Band, Musicals


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "I would love to play Hey Baby one more time.


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "My freshman year without a doubt. Those songs being Birdland, Big Noise in Winnetka and Georgia on My Mind."


What is your favorite band memory? "My freshman year when the field commander pulled me aside before our first performance and said 'I know that you just started and you're smaller than the rest of them but you can still play as loud as them. Now go out there and play your heart out.'"


What will you miss about high school band? "I'll miss hanging out with my friends before games and being able to joke and laugh with them."


What are your plans after high school? "I plan to go to college at Glenville State and earn a degree in music teaching and if all goes well, even open a charter school."​


Will you play in the band in college? "I will without a doubt play in the Glenville state bands. All that I can get in if possible."​


Advice to new band students?  "Be social. You might be scared to talk to people but we are all friendly and we will always help out our family. At the end of the day, if you didn't step out of your comfort shell, you're not growing." 




Dana Westfall

Instruments played: Alto Sax, Tenor Sax, Baritone Sax


Number of years in band: 8


Why did you join band? "I joined band because I enjoy making music and I love the comraderie."


Other musical involvements/accomplishments: All County 3 years


If you could play one song at a field show, what would it be? "Big Noise."


What has been your favorite field show songs?  "My junior year field show - Confident, Mic Drop, Phoneix, Sucker."


What is your favorite band memory? "Our trip to New York my freshman year.'"


What will you miss about high school band? "All of my friends that are in band."


What are your plans after high school? "I'm in the National Guard and I'll be going to WVU for either chemical or aerospace engineering."​


Will you play in the band in college? "Probably not."​


Advice to new band students?  "Don't make Mr. Channell mad." 



Graduating Seniors Without Spotlight Information

Dale Ables
Emily Akers
Lillian Capozzi
Daelynn Elder
Leah Herndon
Trey Lanham
Cheyanne Murray
Louis Rodina
Isabella Sendling

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